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Assurez-vous a La Prévoyance… Make sure you have the foresight – Insurance? Life Annuities? – Aix-en-Provence – Ralph Hassoun

© Ralph Hassoun

Rough translation looks to me that this is an insurance or annuities company to safeguard your children’s lives against dangers of floods, fire, explosions, hail, theft…? Any Francophones out there?

Crème Éclipse – Wax polish – Cirage à la cire – Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône, FR – Ralph Hassoun

© Ralph Hassoun

The population of Aix numbers approximately 143,000. Its inhabitants are called Aixois or, less commonly, Aquisextains. Aix was founded in 123 BC by the Roman consul Sextius Calvinus, who gave his name to its springs, following the destruction of the nearby Gallic oppidum at Entremont. – We Love Provence



Featured Fade: Chamber Street Smoke Shop – Carrie Zimmerman – Lower Manhattan

© Carrie Zimmerman

Tip Top Cereal Co – formerly 2515 Canal Road – Cleveland, OH – Kathi Waite & Joshua Kudlaty

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

Vincenzo on Vespa © Frank H. Jump

Vincenzo on Vespa © Frank H. Jump

© Vincenzo Aiosa

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump


Several years ago, you posted a picture of my father’s “shop” Pump and Ice Machine, Inc, in Cleveland Ohio. My son Joshua Kudlaty drove by there Sunday [as they] were headed to a Cleveland Indians game, and decided to stop by and see “Grandpa’s shop.” Property is now out of the family, and it looks like may be headed for the wrecking ball. sigh. Yes, fading.  Place is now abandoned. Sigh. But he got this picture -the back view. I thought you might like to see it. – Kathi Waite

Previously posted on FAB


If it is really your last fading ad blog post, i will be very sad.

However, it seems appropriate. I have been thinking of you a great deal this past week. I discovered your blog and your world from a picture you posted of my father’s shop several years ago. Pump and Ice Machine Inc. It was located on Canal road in Cleveland, Ohio. Well, a week ago, my son made a very sad discovery.

This is the last picture we have of our dad’s beloved machine shop. It appears to have been demolished a day or two the photo was taken.

I felt i needed to share it with you.
Good Luck in whatever you do. I will miss your blog a great deal.

Flint Mi
Ultimate II

© Joshua Kudlaty

Dear Kathleen-

Although I’ve been toying with the idea of throwing in the towel, I thought I would post an April Fool’s Day posting and see what happened. I’ve not been posting as obsessively as I had in the past. After a decade, I’m re-evaluating, self-examining and basically existentially questioning where to go from here. Thank you for sending me this pic. Sorry the building was demolished but I’m surprised it took so long since the last update. I’m posting your pic tonight.

Keep in touch and all the best to you and your family,

Frank H. Jump

This is the last post for Fading Ad Blog

Thank you everyone. It has been really real.

Vintage Coca-Cola Ad in Aarhus, Denmark – Dr. Andrew Irving PLUS! Recent Cryptic Coca-Cola Advertising in Denmark

© Dr. Andrew Irving

Refreshes Them Best © Dr. Andrew Irving

Altered © Vissevasse.dk

Ad of the Day: This Coca-Cola Campaign Can Be Deciphered Only by Color-Blind People
Ishihara image is cryptic to everyone else By David Gianatasio|December 23, 2015 © Adweek

Can you connect the dots?

Ad agency Essencius recently launched a teaser campaign in Denmark touting stevia- and cane-sugar-sweetened Coca-Cola Life, but only about 5 percent of the population could actually see the message.

That’s because the copy was “hidden” in an image that looked liked blobs of greenish-brown bubbles to most viewers. (Technically, they’re called reverse Ishihara images.) Color-blind people, however, saw the word “Life” nestled within the design.

“Our idea is based on the premise of engaging many by targeting the few,” explains Essencius managing partner Brian Orland. “Surprising people and getting them curious about the hidden message in the campaign has had a great impact on the engagement rate.”

The images appeared in digital ads, social media, outdoor installations and at department-store sampling sessions. According to the agency, the unorthodox approach generated substantial earned media, reaching more than 17 percent of the Danish population between 10 and 60 years old. – Adweek

Hydrocephalus Charity Ad Revisted – Avenue Z – Gravesend, Brooklyn

© Frank H. Jump

See FAB July 7, 2014

Quote the Raven, Nevermore – Gravesend Neck, Brooklyn – False Memories III

© Frank H. Jump

Seely Shoulder Shapes – Excerpt from Fading Ads of New York City (History Press, 2011)

JPG of full frame hi-res scan TIFF © Frank H. Jump

Excerpt from Fading Ads of New York City (History Press, 2011)

Seely Shoulder Shapes
Incorporated from November 17, 1953 through December 15, 1959.

According to the Manhattan Ghost Signs Digital Collection , an attractively designed new website created by Queens College Graduates Otto Luna and Dana Rubin to catalogue the fading ads of the Garment District (using the extensive photo-archive of Walter Grutchfield), Seely Shoulder Shapes was originally called Seely Shoulder Pad Corp., located at 263/5 W. 40th St. from 1945 until 1956. Shoulder shapes or pads are still produced today for the fashion industry, but no longer at this address.

In a New York Times article in which I was featured and provided the front page image, David W. Dunlap stated the following about the fate of this sign: “Another vintage sign that is not destined to last much longer trumpets Seely Shoulder Shapes, a garment business from the 1950’s. Painted byArtkraft Strauss, which is still in operation, the mural is at 265 West 40th Street, on the site where The New York Times is planning its new headquarters.” After the New-York Historical show came down, I tried to sell the collection. One of my benefactors is the lovely Tama Starr, President of the Artkraft-Strauss outdoor advertising company whom I had the pleasure of spending an hour or more talking about the sign painting industry. Starr was very encouraging of the campaign and gave me a copy of her seminal book about advertising Signs & Wonders, The Spectacular Marketing of America.

In Starr’s book, she speaks primarily on the illuminated sign industry although she does touch upon the origins of advertising and the innate ability of humans to create signs and symbols. In a section she calls “From Cave Artists to Wall Dogs,” Starr addresses questions about which I’ve always speculated, like what was the first advertisement and who invented the wall ad? Starr writes:

The story of outdoor advertising traditionally begins with the first symbolic marketers, the cave dwellers during the Upper Paleolithic period, starting about 40,000 years ago. At Lascaux, France, and elsewhere, elaborate action murals depicting a variety of animals and lively hunting scenes portray the dynamic relationship between hunters and the migratory beasts who represented fundamental economic forces: food and clothing, the entire constellation of blessings that Nature could either bestow or withhold.

Anthropologists identify these Stone Age rendering – the first wall-mounted messages – as the earliest examples of both art and writing. They speculate that, like modern media, the messages were intended to influence as well as reflect the viewer’s life. Like advertisements, they depict dreams fulfilled – the animals rushing into the hunters’ traps – and urge specific, concrete action – Hunt! Be hunted! – on both parties to the economic transaction.

All known cultures use signs, in one form or another, to convey straightforward messages with immediacy. Anthropologist Ashley Montagu defines a sign as a “concrete denoter” with an inherent, specific meaning: “This is it; do something about it!” He points out the essentially human character of signs by noting that while many types of animals respond to signals – interruptions in an energy field for the purpose of communicating – only a few intelligent and highly trained animals can understand even the simplest signs.

History’s first known poster bulletin was a notice of a reward for a runaway slave posted on a wall in the Egyptian city of Thebes more than 3,000 years ago. Egyptian merchants of the same periods chiseled sales messages into tall, square stone obelisks and roadside stone tablets called stelae, and painted them in bright colors to attract the attention of passersby.

In Pompeii, billboard-like walls covered with advertisements were preserved in the lava that engulfed them when Mount Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79. Excavations there have revealed wall messages on the shady side of the marketplace too, offering enticing invitations along the lines of “For a Good Time, See Cora.” And even earlier, in ancient Greece, innovative practitioners of what may arguably be the world’s second-oldest profession (symbol-making being necessarily precedent) expanded their out-of-home client base by carving the message “ΕΠΟϒ ΜΟΙ,” “Follow Me,” in the bottoms of their leather sandals, leaving an impression in the clay pavement as well as in the imaginations of potential customers. The connection between the two ancient occupations was not limited to amateurs, however. Modern visitors to Kuşadasi in Turkey are shown magnificent Byzantine mosaics that once served as on-premises business signs for houses of pleasure.

The Romans brought the use of whitewashed walls with painted ads on them on their conquests throughout Europe. They also developed artful on-premise business signs specially designed for the illiterate, such as a friendly-looking bush denoting a tavern. Some ancient trade symbols – such as the three golden balls of the pawnshop, the giant key of the locksmith, the big shoe of the shoemaker, and the red and white stripes of the barber – have remained in use for a thousand years and more.

Tama Starr loved the image of Seely Shoulder Shapes and bought it. As I signed the photo for her she signed her book for me:

Frank Jump! It’s always a good sign to meet a new friend. Best wishes always, Tama Starr 7/14/00

I believe this image still hangs in Tama Starr’s office.

Weber & Heilbroner Revisited – North of Herald Square – West 35th Street, NYC – 1998

JPEG from Hi-Res TIFF of Original Chrome Scan for Fading Ads of New York City (History Press, 2011) © Frank H. Jump

One of the original 24 images that exhibited at the N-Y Historical Society, August – November 1998 – Fading Ad Campaign

When I took this shot, I wanted to be above it (the sign) to show its scale. The trucks below give it some sense of proportion. I went to the building across the street which had a doorman. I told him I had an appointment with a woman on the thirteenth floor (lucky 13). The gentleman called up and when asked who made the appointment, I said the woman behind the desk. They let me go up.

When I got out of the elevator, I was greeted by the manager (a woman named Sharon) and the front desk manager (an African-American gay man who had a grin). The front desk manager said, “Am I the woman you made the appointment with?” Hand on hip. I laughed. We all had a good laugh. So Sharon asked, “So what do you really want?”

Well, I said, there is this great sign across the street that you probably see out your window. She gasped and said “It’s about time someone photographed this sign. I love that sign!” The company was some sort of garment import or manufacturing firm so Sharon had an interest in habadasher history. Sharon asked if I had eaten lunch yet. I said no. They ordered pizza and soda. As we waited for the food, Sharon cleared off her window sill and opened it up (I don’t think it had been opened in years). I hung out the window as she held me by my belt.

The building where I took the shot has recently been torn down. I shot this image of Atlantic Bank this past summer while walking with my friend, Dr. Andrew Irving.