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Trowel & Square Ballroom – Thrift Store – Harlem, NYC – Uptown Correspondent, Iman R. Abdulfattah

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

According to the website Found Ampersands, the Trowel & Square Ballroom “was operated by the Order of Eastern Star, the Female part of the Masons.” Looking to the right of the ballroom’s sign, you can see the Mason’s sign for Queen Esther, Grand Chapter.

Some searches also reveal that up until December 2012, some hip-hop events were advertised on Facebook that were hosted at the ballroom.

Google search

Also at Scouting NY, are some great interior shots of the ballroom, within what is now the Salvation Army thriftstore, which has apparently lost its lease.

One of the oddest things I found about the ballroom was a reference in an April 2011 online article about child adoption in UK’s The Spectator called Harlem Renaissance:

The first thing I see is a glimmer of Harlem’s happy past: a painted sign for the Trowel and Square Ballroom, a remnant from the days of Billie Holiday, Bojangles and 80 per cent employment. 

Happy past? Count the assumptions in this quote.

Featured Fade – Bryan or McKinley for President: F.W. Day for Dry Goods – Clothing – Carpets – Carson City, NV @NevadaWolf w/Interactions from @Fuzzygalore @aroundcarson @ghostsigns #rockads

CLICK FOR LINK TO PDF OF The Life of William McKinley (1901) – FREE EBOOK





The color picture [above] was taken by me, Teri L. The book the black and white photo came out of is called: Remember When: Celebrating the History of Carson City 1858-1950. The picture is located on page 101 and is credited to “Fred Willis Day Collection, Nevada State Museum”.

I first saw the ad when looking for a nearby geocache. The only part that was visible was the top half showing the candidates names and F W Day, but graffiti and the sun had obscured the rest. I didn’t think much of it because the black and yellow sign was still vibrant so it didn’t seem old. The significance didn’t click until I was looking through the Carson City historic photographs book and saw it in full and was able to make out the rest of the sign. Interesting that it says “Bryan or McKinley for President”.

The cliff wall it is on faces northwest and is tucked in a bend of the canyon (completely hidden from the modern road that passes nearby). The election was in 1896, which makes the vibrant colors very impressive if they are original.

A bit of history on Clear Creek Rd…

In the early 1860’s there were two main routes from Carson City to Spooner Summit, King’s Canyon Rd and Clear Creek Rd. In 1861 (1862?) Rufus Walton built a steep dirt path down Clear Creek Canyon, known as the Walton Toll Road. The Lake Bigler (Tahoe) Toll Road Company – owners of the Lake Tahoe Wagon Road – bought Walton’s route in 1863 to connect it to the more developed King’s Canyon route. Until 1875, most traffic went through King’s Canyon though some still favored the other road. In 1875 a flume was constructed to haul lumber from Glenbrook down to Carson City where it would be transported to the mines in Virginia City. The road in Clear Creek was improved and became the main route up and down the mountain. That is until the automobile arrived in 1913 when the King’s Canyon route was linked to the Lincoln Highway. However, that route remained only a graded dirt road and in 1927 the Nevada Highway Department paved and improved the Clear Creek route for use as the new US Highway 50. It remained the primary route, once again, until the modern highway was built in 1957, completely realigned and widened in anticipation of the 1960 Olympics in Squaw Valley.

Hope that helps somewhat to place the painting into its correct context. The two routes are so intertwined I had to research when each was used as I could only find reference to Clear Creek after 1928, which didn’t make sense if the election was in 1896. And most books and articles say King’s Canyon was the main route until 1875. There is a gap between 1875 and 1913 when the Lincoln Highway connected Carson City to Spooner Summit via King’s Canyon. I know the flume was constructed down Clear Creek and found that date to be 1875. Since that construction coincides with the decline of traffic on King’s Canyon, I can only presume that access was improved since lumber was the biggest business in the region due to the mines of the Comstock.  – Teri L, November 29, 2013

Nevada Milepost – Spring 2011 – Nevada’s Technology Transfer Quarterly Vol. 23 No. 1

Ad taken from ‘Dainties’ Union Cook Book – Bancroft Library – University of California

taken from Artemisia Yearbook 1904 – CLICK FOR LINK

William J. Bryan – McKinley’s Presidential Opponent – CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE © Wikipedia Commons

Future president William McKinley at age 15., c. 1858
– from The Life of William McKinley (1901) by Oscar King Davis,
p. 1 – Wikipedia Commons – CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE

Leon Czolgosz – McKinley’s Assassin – CLICK FOR LINK – Wikipedia Commons

Featured Fade – Nick Hirshon – W.H. Smith Hardware Co – Wholesale Since 1874 – Oil & Gas Museum – Parkersburg, WV

Lumbering, Tackle, Chain Dog. ??? Grayscale- CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE © Nick Hirshon

Men of West Virginia, 1903 – © Google Books

W.H. Smith Hardware Company Building, also known as the Oil and Gas Museum of the Oil, Gas and Industrial Historical Association, is a historic commercial building located at Parkersburg, Wood County, West Virginia. It was built in 1899, on the foundation of a building built about 1874. It is a four-story, masonry building with Romanesque Revival architectural details. The rectangular building measure 60 feet by 120 feet, with an 18 feet by 12 feet outcrop. It housed the W.H. Smith Hardware Company until the 1980s. It now houses the Oil and Gas Museum. It was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2003. – Wikipedia

W.H. Smith Company was founded in 1886 by William H. Smith and for decades occupied the W.H. Smith Hardware building in downtown Parkersburg. In 1975 Vin Rathbone purchased the company from William A. Smith and in the 1980s moved the company to its current location on DuPont Road in Parkersburg.  W.H.Smith Company, a certified small business, has a proud history dating back more than 135 years – and is a leader in producing Hose Assemblies and Systems and Load Securing and Material Handling Products, primarily for military applications. We provide value added services including assembly, light fabrication, welding, painting and testing. – WH Smith Co. Website



Selfie © Frank H. Jump

Daniel Roberts in front of Miss Weber’s Millinery – Flatiron © Frank H. Jump

Steed Taylor in front of Griffon Shears – Chelsea © Frank H. Jump

John Kelly in front of Society Smokes Cigar – Midtown © Frank H. Jump

Not much was known about AIDS when I became infected with HIV in 1984. Upon receiving my diagnosis, I was told I would most likely be dead by 1990. In 1997, when I started documenting what I called fading ads– hand-painted vintage wall advertisements, many of which have long outlived the products they advertise- I had already well outlived my prognosis. Today at 53, I have become a living advertisement for a disease that seems to have lost its exigency in the public light.

As this project has matured and I have become a long-term survivor, the original metaphor of the Fading Ad Campaign that rang true for me fifteen years ago still resounds, but the overtones have modulated. Although I continue to utilize these images to draw light upon the fading problem of AIDS, fostering awareness isn’t the primary focus anymore as is the condition of the aging survivors, many of whom have lost their fear of dying from AIDS but are succumbing to age-related illnesses and complications from pharmacological toxicities. Through this campaign, my life mission is to continue to shed light on this lingering issue that still affects many of us in the LGBTQ community.

According to a study conducted in 2006 by the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America for the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, of the one hundred thousand HIV+ people living in NYC, thirty percent are over age fifty and seventy percent are over forty. Coupled with the living with HIV and the comorbidities of aging, the health care system is ill-prepared for what is to come in the next decade and according to this study, “there is little research and even less acknowledgment or foresight anticipating this consequential commingling of HIV and aging comorbidities.”

After fifteen years of developing this project, the metaphor of survival has become more profound since I never expected to live into my fifties with this virus. Others in the LGBTQ community who are living with HIV into their later years are equally challenged by aging and navigating through a rapidly changing city. As our urban landscape continues to radically change, our memories of the city and of our bodies in the city becomes truncated and distorted as the arc of time bends and our perception of time begins to accelerate. Of the thousands of ads I’ve photographed, many have faded out of existence, been covered over or destroyed with entire city blocks having been demolished and replaced by new shiny glass and metal buildings. But still many fading ads silently cling to the walls of buildings, barely noticed by the rushing passersby.

It is my plan to use a representative selection from the Fading Ad Campaign as a backdrop to create new portraits with members of the surviving HIV+ community in NYC, many who are also visual artists. I also plan to work with Visual AIDS to organize interviews and portrait shots with these artists. Additionally, I am collaborating with a social worker from Mount Sinai who works with LGBT elders with HIV who are struggling to maintain their dignity and their gay identities in all aspects of the healthcare system. Many LGBT elders with HIV have lived their lives publicly but since they are now dependent upon home care workers who may not be sympathetic to their identities, they find themselves going back into the closet, clinging silently like a fading ad on a northern exposure, hoping not to be noticed.

These new images juxtaposed with the 35mm chrome shots I took fifteen years ago will provide a narrative of the challenges LGBT elders with HIV face, yet also provide a sense of purpose and validation at a time in their lives that seems uncertain. These portraits of our community against the backdrop of the city and the fading ads will become a document of this time framed by both the past and future. – Frank H. Jump, December 1, 2013

Manhattan Flower Shop – Tiemann Cleaners – Harlem, NYC – Uptown Correspondent, Iman R. Abdulfattah

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

Apollo Theatre Sign – Hotel Theresa – Harlem, NYC – Uptown Correspondent, Iman R. Abdulfattah

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

….the Apollo probably exerted a greater influence upon popular culture than any other entertainment venue in the world. For blacks it was the most important cultural institution–not just the greatest black theatre, but a special place to come of age emotionally, professionally, socially, and politically. Ted Fox, “Showtime at the Apollo

Hotel Theresa: the Waldorf of Harlem – Trivia-

Fidel Castro and his staff came to New York in 1960 when he was to address the United Nations.  They first checked in to the Shelburne Hotel at Lexington Avenue and 37th Street but moved to the Hotel Theresa when the Shelburne demanded $10,000 for alleged damage that included cooking chickens in their rooms.  The Theresa was the beneficiary of the worldwide publicity when Nikita Khrushchev, the premier of the Soviet Union; Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime minister of India; and Malcom X, all visited Castro there.  Castro’s entourage rented eighty rooms for a total of $800 per day. – Famous Hotels dot org

Barrington Hall Soluble Coffee Tin Filled with WWII Philadelphia Minted 1944 Coins from The Netherlands

© Frank H. Jump

Tonight we went to my mother’s house to help her organize her linen closet and drawers in her kitchen and we found this tin that belonged to my grandfather, Frans Ludwig Broekveldt, II.

Atlantic Monthly – Vol. 123 – Jan – June 1919 – CLICK FOR LARGER IMAGE


Baker and Company produced a soluble coffee labeled as Barrington Hall. During World War II, the United States government took over Baker and Company to produce K rations for Allied Troops. – Treasure Trove -The National Museum of Military History (NMMH) Diekirch

Soluble Coffee and Products a Staple After War PRODUCTION capacity has been tripled by- producers of soluble coffee and  General Foods and Barrington-Hall are expected to compete for the soluble coffee and soluble coffee products business American Institute of Food Distribution., 1944 – Weekly Digest – Volume 33 – Page 25

We opened the tin, and to our surprise found these shiny silver coins from WWII Netherlands © Frank H. Jump

The coins bearing the fourth portrait of Wilhelmina, from 1922 to 1945, were downgraded to 0.720 silver, which lowered their weight to 9.9g. Three different privy marks were issued: a seahorse from 1922 to 1931, grapes from 1938 to 1940 and an acorn from 1941 to 1945. During the Nazi German occupation of the Netherlands, no guilder coins were issued of the zinc coins circualted by the Nazis, but Dutch guilder coins were struck in the United States. In 1943 they were struck at theDenver Mint in Colorado and in 1944 at the Philadelphia Mint in Pennsylvania and the San Francisco Mint in California. In 1945, 25,375,000 were issued in Philadelphia. – Wikipedia

Dutch 10 cent & 25 cent pieces from 1944 that were minted in Philadelphia during WWII © Frank H. Jump

The History & Fate of Margarine – Vintage Dutch Margarine Ad, Rotterdam 1893

How will the new FDA trans fat ban impact the 144 year old margarine industry?

Vintage Dutch Margarine Ad from 1893, Rotterdam – Wikipedia Commons

According to that inimitable news agency FOX NEWS, the five top foods that will be affected are:

  • Microwave popcorn
  • Cookies and crackers
  • Refrigerated dough and pie crust
  • Coffee creamers
  • & Margarines!

Now granted, I’ve always hated margarine since I was a very young child when my Oma used to roll out the Blue Band Margarine (Unilever) for our breakfast sandwich, which the Dutch call a boterham (which literally means butter-ham and whose etymology is still unknown according to a Dutch Wikipedia article, with original spellings being boteram or boterram). Even after spreading the oleo over the milky white slice of Dutch bread and slathering it with chocolate sprinkles, hagelslag (colored sugar crystals), powdered cheese, or muisjes (which literally means ‘little mice,’ and are identical to the delicious multicolored sugar-coated anise seed sprinkles that Americans are accustomed to scooping up on their way out of Indian restaurants as an after-dinner condiment) – I still wasn’t having it. Dutch butter is so delicious, I couldn’t understand why my grandmother still used margarine.

In retrospect, I realize that during WWII, there weren’t any available dairy products, let alone any available food. My mother and her family literally starved during the last winter of the German occupation of Amsterdam in 1944, surviving solely on tulip bulbs dug up from neighboring frozen gardens and rotting potato peels rummaged from garbage pails. After the blockades were lifted during the Liberation by the Canadians and British troops, margarine became wildly popular in the Netherlands because it was cheaper than butter and already had been part of the Dutch menu for over 60 years.

Margarine was invented in France when in 1869, Emperor Louis Napoleon III offered a reward to anyone who could develop a cheaper version of butter to be rationed to the military and also sold to the lower classes. The result was oleomargarine (which was mostly made of hydrogenated animal fat), an invention of French chemist Hippolyte Mège-Mouriès who after two years of failed marketing in France sold his patent to the Dutch company Jurgens, which since has also been engulfed by Unilever. In the article Labour Relations in the Dutch Margarine Industry 1870-1954,  Marlou Schrover explains the following about the burgeoning margarine industry:

Wars on the continent made transport difficult, and between 1865 and 1870 a cattle-plague in England diminished home production. The demand remained high and prices soared. A whole market for cheap butter threatened to be lost. Dutch traders sought for a cheap alternative to butter. This brought forth a new product, a mixture of purified fat, flavouring and colouring, which was marketed as butter until governments forbade this and enforced the name ‘margarine.’

Production of margarine was first taken up on an industrial scale by the two biggest Dutch butter traders: Jurgens and Van den Bergh. Jurgens and Van den Bergh merged in 1927 forming the Margarine Unie. Two years later, this firm, the world’s largest margarine producer, combined with the world’s largest soap producer, the British Lever Brothers, to form Unilever.

And according to the article on oleomargarine in Wikipedia, in that same year a German pharmacist from Cologne named Benedict Klein  “founded the first margarine factory Benedict Klein Margarinewerke, producing the brands Overstolz and Botteram.”Botteram? Perhaps this is from where the Dutch name for sandwich originates! It would make sense since often names of products we use get their monikers from their branding, as in Scotch tape or Bandaids.

The problem with margarine, which since 1950 no longer contains hydrogenated animal fat but almost strictly uses hydrogenated vegetable oils, is the hydrogenation process – which produces trans fat as a by-product. During the hydrogenation process, unsaturated oils which are normally liquid at room temperature have hydrogen passed through it in the presence of a “nickel catalyst,” which saturates the oil molecules with hydrogen causing their melting point to rise, thus hardening them so they don’t melt at room temperature. Today precious metals like palladium, platinum and rhodium are used as a catalyst instead of non-precious nickel which requires higher temperatures for the process to occur. The absence of a catalyst would require temperatures of 480°C / 900°F for hydrogenation to occur. The precious metal catalysts require lower temperatures and less energy.

The problem with this process are the by-product molecules that are produced. Not all of the molecules are fully saturated  and are incompletely hydrogenated. The cis versions of these molecules are found in nature and are easily handled by the human’s metabolically – but the trans versions of these incompletely hydrogenated molecules, which are mirror images of the natural molecules, are potentially dangerous to humans and are implicated in cardiovascular disease and higher risks of heart attacks. Metabolic disease expert Dr. Henry Pownall states that “artificial trans fatty acids are no longer needed in advanced technological societies.” In an online article New FDA Proposal Trying to Eliminate Trans Fat published by Science Daily on November 11, 2013, it was reported that according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, “reducing trans fat consumption by avoiding artificial trans fats could prevent 10,000-20,000 heart attacks and 3,000-7,000 coronary heart disease deaths each year in the United States.” Margarine consumption, as well as many other foods that contain trans fats from donuts to artificial creamers, are the culprits of poor lipid levels in the blood and obesity. Trans fats are poisons and removing them from our diets will be a step towards a healthier society, although it wouldn’t eliminate them totally since trans fats are also found in nature in animal fats – especially when they are heated.

So where does this leave the margarine industry?  Many brands of oleo spreads have been vegan alternatives for a few decades,  such as products like I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, Promise, and Earth Balance, which purport to have zero grams of trans fat, yet have between 3.5 to 4.5 grams of saturated fat – the same amount as butter! Julia Child NEVER used margarine and it is no mystery as to why the nascent margarine industry failed miserably in France. Butter is better. Sorry Oma, give me that rich yellow and creamy Dutch cows butter, of course, in moderation. Even ants don’t eat margarine!


Found at Imgur Gallery


Uptown Correspondent – Iman R. Abdulfattah – Minton’s Playhouse – Up At Minton’s, Romare Bearden – Harlem, NYC

© Iman R. Abdulfattah

This old dive in Harlem has been shuttered for about as long as it had been open. Yet Minton’s Playhouse will always be known as the cradle of bebop, where the likes of Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk and Charlie Parker jammed into the night….Efforts to revive Minton’s Playhouse, on West 118th Street in Harlem, have sputtered throughout the years. – from Hoping a Good Meal Revives a Harlem Jazz Spot  By Kia Gregory for The New York Times, Published: January 6, 2013

Up At Minton’s (1980) taken by Iman R. Abdulfattah @ Flomenhaft Gallery

Romare Bearden (September 2, 1911 – March 12, 1988) was an African-American artist and writer. He worked in several media including cartoons, oils, collage. Born in Charlotte, North Carolina, Bearden moved to New York City at a very young age and went on to graduate from NYU in 1935.Wikipedia

There is lilt
A language of darkness
Darkness known
Darkness sharpened at Minton’s
Darkness lightened at the Cotton Club
Sent flying from Abyssinian Baptist
To the Apollo.

– Excerpt taken from Walter Dean Myer’s epic poem, Harlem (Caldecott Honor Book) 1997, beautifully illustrated by his son Christopher Myers.

Divine Wood Furniture & Bedding Mascot – Port Richmond, SI

© Frank H. Jump