R.D. Grier & Sons Co., Industrial Supplies – Machine Shop – Salisbury, MD
Robert David Grier was born in Milford, Delaware on October 27, 1856 of English immigrants from South Shields, England. By 1888, Grier had set up a foundry with his brothers on East Railroad Avenue in what is now called “The Red Light District” of Salisbury, MD according to Instagram. On June 15, 1920, Grier was killed in a grade-crossing accident just south of Salisbury in Westover, MD.
Southern Pacific Railroad Ad – Orientalism – They’re Coming to See California… Why Don’t You Come Too? – April 1904, Vol. XII
Since the publication of Edward Said‘s Orientalism in 1978, much academic discourse has begun to use the term “Orientalism” to refer to a general patronizing Western attitude towards Middle Eastern, Asian and North African societies. In Said’s analysis, the West essentializes these societies as static and undeveloped—thereby fabricating a view of Oriental culture that can be studied, depicted, and reproduced. Implicit in this fabrication, writes Said, is the idea that Western society is developed, rational, flexible, and superior – Wikipedia
Yes, “they” are coming to California by rail, but not as tourists.
The first Chinese were hired in 1865 [sic] at approximately $28 per month to do the very dangerous work of blasting and laying ties over the treacherous terrain of the high Sierras. They lived in simply dwellings and cooked their own meals, often consisting of fish, dried oysters and fruit, mushrooms and seaweed. – Central Pacific Railroad Photographic History Museum
In the late 1800’s, thousands of Chinese and Japanese workers were brought to work in the fruit orchards and sugar beet fields. They were the first farmworkers, to form associations and strike for improved wages and conditions. But their victories were short-lived.
The growers were able to play them off against anglos and other immigrant workers, especially during the depression years of the 1870’s and early 1900’s – when Asian workers were blamed for taking away jobs from “Americans.” The result was racist laws excluding the Chinese (1882) and Japanese (1920) from the U.S. – Farmworkers’ Website – The Struggle in California
Oakland Board of Trade Ad – Pseudo African-American Vernacular – Sunset Magazine – Vol. XII, 1904 – African-American English, Ronald A. Perry
The arrival of the first slaves in North America marked the beginning of an American fascination with the culture and speech of these black men who had exchanged a barbarous existence in Africa for a life of servitude among civilized, English-speaking Christians. But however much novelists like Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain, or songwriters like Stephen Foster attempted to represent black speech, one finds in their work little indication of their having carefully studied it. Touches of “nigger” dialect lend pathos to the speeches of Stowe’s Uncle Tom, humor to the philosophizing of Twain’s runaway slave Jim, and sentimentality to Stephen Foster’s Uncle Ned (“He’s gone war de good niggers¹ go…”) precisely due to its being “bad” English. An example of such pseudo African-American dialect is “Oh! Susanna”. This Stephen Foster composition, sung by generations of American schoolchildren in Standard English, is given here in the original version:
I come from Alabama
with my Banjo on my knee—
I’s g’wine to Lou’siana,
My true lub² for to see,
It rain’d all night de day I left,
De wedder it was dry;
The sun so hot I froze to def—
Susanna, don’t you cry.FOOTNOTES:
¹During the nineteenth century the word “nigger”, had not yet acquired its meaning as a racial slur. As a colloquial term for “Negro” it occurs in the songs of Stephen Foster, the writings of Mark Twain and Walt Whitman, and even in reported conversations of Abraham Lincoln. Some have insisted that such traditional literature be censored.
² Nineteenth century caricatures of African-Americans inexplicably represent them as being unable to pronounce the phoneme “v”, so that we frequently have black preachers talking about “ebil” (evil) and “de debil” (the devil).– African Americans as Perceived by White Society, African-American English – Ronald Alan Perry – Revista No. 31
The Africans who were brought forcibly to America over a period of three centuries developed a characteristic speech that combined the English of their white masters with grammatical and phonetic features common to West African languages. This speech, known as “Ebonics” or African American Vernacular English, is characterized by the simplification or transformation of certain phonemes and by copula omission (un-conjugated “to be”). A decision by the Oakland, California school district to recognize “Ebonics” as a distinct African-American language has fueled debate as to whether it is a dialect of English, a language distinct from English, or simply bad English. In any event, this “black” English has fascinated white society and occupies an important place in Anglophonic literature, folklore and music. As manifested in the musical genre known as blues, it has influenced all of today’s popular music, prompting even Britons to imitate certain aspects of African-American speech. – Professor Ronald A. Perry – Universidad de Technólica de Pereira