© Frank H. Jump
December 1st is World AIDS Day. As always, I post on this day thoughtfully. I’ve lived more than half my life with HIV. I will be fifty in March. A small miracle.
In Hebrew, the term mitzvah “has also come to express an act of human kindness. According to the teachings of Judaism, all moral laws are, or are derived from, divine commandments. – Wikipedia
If you haven’t planned one today, perform a mitzvah for someone you know who has been affected by HIV/AIDS.
To further quote Wikipedia:
The opinions of the Talmudic rabbis are divided between those who seek the purpose of the mitzvot and those who do not question them. The latter argue that if the reason for each mitzvah could be determined, people might try to achieve what they see as the purpose of the mitzvah, without actually performing the mitzvah itself.
Don’t overthink the mitzvah! Just do it!
Waiting for the big miracle. In the meantime, a mitzvah would be divine!
In memory of Wayne Fischer- a NYC school teacher & friend dedicated to AIDS awareness.