Sherif Street, Downtown Cairo © Iman R. Abdulfattah
A friend directed me to this cognac ad… The obscured word on the bottom left should read “Remi”, or something like that. – I.R. Abdulfattah

Delcampe.net – CLICK FOR LINK

Delcampe.net – CLICK FOR LINK
Ferro-china is a liqueur usually consumed as a liquore nero and digestive tonic, but is often used as an aperitif . It was invented and patented in the last decade of the nineteenth century by entrepreneur and Garibaldi freedom fighter Signor Felice Bisleri (1881) . – Wikipedia – Italy

Delcampe.net – CLICK FOR LINK
The Bisleri’s, originally a family of industrialists, have produced this very famous Italian tonic since 1881. It is essentially an aperitif in a herb flavoured, fortified wine base. Its producers recommend its as a blood tonic. Each 30 ml shot contains 5 mg of Iron [from Ammonium Iron (lll) Citrate] and when taken at any time of day, but preferably before a meal, will help maintain normal blood. Ferro China also makes a pleasant drink when mixed with mineral water.
One member of the Bisleri family, Franco Bordoni-Bisleri (born 1913), was a famous Italian flying ace. The badge on the Ferro-China bottles was a lion so this was the image painted on most of his aircraft alongside the word “Robur” meaning “strength” in Latin. No doubt his fame helped to popularise the brand. 21% Alc./Vol. – Vintage Direct

The Vintage Poster – CLICK FOR LINK

Invaluable dot com – CLICK FOR LINK