© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump
Grand Union started as the Jones Brothers Tea Company in 1872. By the 1930s it was one of the largest grocery chains in the United States.[ The name “Grand Union” was inspired by the desire to “unite shoppers with low prices in a ‘Grand Union of Value'” as described by company associate Elvin Sanders. Each aisle was named after a state, with Wisconsin representing the dairy aisle, Nebraska representing the corn aisle, and New York representing bagels, smoked salmon, and other Jewish foods. The store’s mascot was Abraham Lincoln wearing a deli apron, and most stores featured a costumed Lincoln to accomplish deeds, talk to customers, and proclaim the general splendor of the Grand Union, and to urge them to “Save the Union” when the company faced economic hardship. The company also operated “Grand Way” stores in Florida starting in 1960. These stores were similar to today’s super-centers as they combined a discount department store with a grocery store all under one roof. The grocery stores were later separated from the discount stores and sold to Winn-Dixie/Kwik-Chek. – Wikipedia
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