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Lilywhite Lies Slideshow – WORLD AIDS DAY

Lilywhite Lies

Hey yo yo, How ya go?
I hear you don’t like me ‘cause I’m a homo
Heard rumours ‘round you don’t wish me well
Say I’m a devil child and goin’ to hell
You preach to crowds I’m bad and wild
Spread disease and rape your child
Say if I don’t repent it’s God’s punishment
A case of AIDS I’ll get
I say, “You wanna bet?”
You hate me, berate me
But you forget God did create me
You say it’s true, you hands’ll heal
But let me tell you preacher
You ain’t the real deal
So listen minister, hear my story reverend
Until you love me you ain’t goin’ to heaven
Ho ho

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

Hey yo yo, what you know?
Havin’ some trouble just sayin’ no?
You read the papers? Hear what they say?
“You’ll only catch AIDS if you’re black or you’re gay.”
So don’t worry America, you’ll live a long life
Keep your eyes shut to the pain and the strife
There are millions out there that’ll die in a year
But don’t get excited, Don’t shed a tear
Just keep livin’ your lives like it doesn’t exist
‘Til it hits you, then you’ll be pissed
Maybe too late just to pick up and run
With your daughter, your wife, your husband or son
‘Cause it’s over in Europe, it’s big in Japan
Africa’s got it and even Iran
So come on home, open your eyes,
Everyone knows a young person who dies

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

Now if everyone you know is either scared to death or dyin’
It’s time to ACT UP, ‘cause they all killin’ you with lyin’
Like they care about your lover, they wanna find a cure
But all the money’s spent on weapons to fight a secret war
They love to watch the numbers mount
‘Cause people of color and faggots and women don’t count
When they round us up and jail us, it won’t be new news
Remember fifty years ago, Hitler did it to the Jews
So take it to the streets and write the President a letter
Denying there’s a crisis won’t make anyone better

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

They love to watch the numbers mount
Don’t wanna be a number
Don’t wanna be what they want me to be
Another number

Frank H. Jump ©1987 RoughGift Productions/BMI

written, performed & produced by Frank H. Jump

Isabel Celeste Dawson – backup vocals
Francis Grant – guitar & backup vocals
Glenn Berger – sound engineer/production


Lilywhite Lies - Frank Jump © 1987
Audio Player

Lilywhite Lies

Hey yo yo, How ya go?
I hear you don’t like me ‘cause I’m a homo
Heard rumours ‘round you don’t wish me well
Say I’m a devil child and goin’ to hell
You preach to crowds I’m bad and wild
Spread disease and rape your child
Say if I don’t repent it’s God’s punishment
A case of AIDS I’ll get
I say, “You wanna bet?”
You hate me, berate me
But you forget God did create me
You say it’s true, you hands’ll heal
But let me tell you preacher
You ain’t the real deal
So listen minister, hear my story reverend
Until you love me you ain’t goin’ to heaven
Ho ho

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

Hey yo yo, what you know?
Havin’ some trouble just sayin’ no?
You read the papers?  Hear what they say?
“You’ll only catch AIDS if you’re black or you’re gay.”
So don’t worry America, you’ll live a long life
Keep your eyes shut to the pain and the strife
There are millions out there that’ll die in a year
But don’t get excited, Don’t shed a tear
Just keep livin’ your lives like it doesn’t exist
‘Til it hits you, then you’ll be pissed
Maybe too late just to pick up and run
With your daughter, your wife, your husband or son
‘Cause it’s over in Europe, it’s big in Japan
Africa’s got it and even Iran
So come on home, open your eyes,
Everyone knows a young person who dies

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

Now if everyone you know is either scared to death or dyin’
It’s time to ACT UP, ‘cause they all killin’ you with lyin’
Like they care about your lover, they wanna find a cure
But all the money’s spent on weapons to fight a secret war
They love to watch the numbers mount
‘Cause people of color and faggots and women don’t count
When they round us up and jail us, it won’t be new news
Remember fifty years ago, Hitler did it to the Jews
So take it to the streets and write the President a letter
Denying there’s a crisis won’t make anyone better

CHORUS: It’s just another case of lilywhite lies, Lilywhite holy white

They love to watch the numbers mount
Don’t wanna be a number
Don’t wanna be what they want me to be
Another number

Frank H. Jump ©1987 RoughGift Productions/BMI

written, performed & produced by Frank H. Jump

Isabel Celeste Dawson – backup vocals
Francis Grant – guitar & backup vocals
Glenn Berger – sound engineer/production

ACT UP/NY ALUMNI (just don’t call it a reunion) REUNION – Saturday, June 22nd, 2013 – DONATE!


Jim Wentzy (ACT UP) & Chinese Sign Mirage – George M. Carter

Inspired by Wentzy © George M. Carter

"Wait to Die" Obama Protest at DNC Fundraiser

Thursday, May 13, 2010
5:00pm – 8:00pm
Outside the St. Regis Hotel @ 55th & 5th Avenue

Housing Works is teaming with dozens of other AIDS groups to demand that the Obama administration fulfill its commitment to people around the world who need immediate access to HIV medications. Obama has flatlined funding and millions will die because of it.

Participants include ACT UP Philadelphia, ACT UP/NY, Africa Action, African Services Committee, American Medical Students Association, Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project, Health GAP, Housing Works, NYC AIDS Housing Network (NYCAHN), Philadelphia Global AIDS Watchdogs, Proyecto Sol Filadelphia, VOCAL-NY Users’ Union and others.

Learn more at: http://www.takeanumber.org/ – Facebook Action


Obama Lied – Don't Ask, Don't Tell – Bob Kisken Editorial – Rachel Maddow Show

Lt. Colonel Victor Fehrenbach Discharged For Being Gay – Rachel Maddow Show


Caspar Star-Tribune – Bob Kisken Editorial Letter


Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach has served 18 years in the Air Force. He is the recipient of at least 30 awards and decorations, including nine air medals, one of them for heroism, as well as campaign medals for Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. He is now a flight instructor in Idaho.

The Air Force is about to discharge him because he is gay. What insanity.

Sen. Barry Goldwater had this to say years ago:

“After more than 50 years in the military and politics, I am still amazed to see how upset people can get over nothing. Lifting the ban on gays in the military isn’t exactly nothing, but it’s pretty damned close.

“Everyone know that gays have served honorably in the military since at least the time of Julius Caesar. They’ll be serving long after we’re all dead and buried. That should not surprise anyone.”

Too bad some of the people in Washington don’t have the sense Sen. Goldwater did.


© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

Dismay Over Obama’s ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Turnabout
By Mark Thompson / Washington – Tuesday, Jun. 09, 2009

Members of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) demonstrate against the Defense Department's
Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty
Members of ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) demonstrate against the Defense Department’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in front of a recruitment center in Times Square, New York City – TIME.COM

Tribute to Rodger McFarlane – Homo Sex in Colonial America – Larry Kramer

Homo Sex in Colonial America

Homo Sex in Colonial America

This is the last piece I had input on from my just departed dearly beloved Rodger McFarlane, who read and critiqued everything I have ever written. He loved it, as he loved me. And I pass it on to you, to the world, in memory of him, who encouraged me so and believed in me so, as I did him.

May he be at peace.


Rodger McFarlane - Former Gill Foundation executive director and longtime philanthropist Rodger McFarlane died May 15 in New Mexico. He was 54.

Rodger McFarlane - Former Gill Foundation executive director and longtime philanthropist Rodger McFarlane died May 15 in New Mexico. He was 54. - Advocate

Larry Kramer has been writing his The American People since 1978. His first draft, just completed, is some 4000 pages. He and his editor are now rolling up their sleeves. – Huffington Post

Broadway Lights Dimmed In Tribute Of Mobile Native – WKGR Mobile-Pensacola

ACT UP's James Wentzy on Soho's Corrugated Boxes Fade

© James Wentzy

© James Wentzy

Other Corrugated Box postings

Portrait of Frank Jump taken by Joe Teti – ACT-UP 1988

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

Joe Teti took a series of pictures of me on his roof a week before he died in his new apartment on Bank Street in Greenwich Village. The night he died, he said goodbye to me and apologized for not letting me stay longer. I said, “OK Joe, you have plans tonight. That’s cool.” He had tears in his eyes. As I was leaving a buddy of his was walking in. Apparently they shot up together and Joe died of an overdose. He had found out that week that his T-Cells were almost non-existent and his liver was failing. That year, I lost over 250 friends and acquaintances (ballpark figure). Joe Teti- I think of you often.

Wayne David Fischer – Activist, Educator, Friend – ACT-UP Stop the Church Demo – St. Patrick's Cathedral 1989

Wayne Fischer - Activist, Educator, Friend

Wayne Fischer - Activist, Educator, Friend © Frank H. Jump

Wayne Fischer - Activist, Educator, Friend

Wayne Fischer - Activist, Educator, Friend © Frank H. Jump (taken by Phil Reed)