June, 2021:
SEEING GHOSTS – Seven Photographers Capture Faded Wall Ads – Neon Museum of Philadelphia – July 2 – August 8, 2021

NEW EXHIBIT opening next week! “Seeing Ghosts: 7 Photographers Capture Faded Wall Ads.” Very excited to see this talented group come together to haunt our neon gallery with images, stories, and videos of ghost signs. Featured work by Jordan Keiffer (@phillyghostsigns), Peter Woodall of @hiddencityphila, Frank Jump (@fadingadsnyc_fjump), Chris Brace (@vintage_imageny), MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson (@bittsjackson), Gibbs Connors (@gibbsconnors), and our very own Len Davidson.
A LIVE wall painting event will be held at the Museum by Philadelphia sign painter @gibbsconnors on July 3rd! Don’t miss it! Appearances by the show’s photographers will occur throughout the exhibit, as will additional demonstrations by Gibbs. Stay tuned for announcements.
The show runs from July 2nd – August 8th. Learn more and book your tickets at the link in bio!
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neon museum of philadelphia: Seeing Ghosts – Seven Photographers Capture Faded Wall Ads – July 2 – August 8, 2021

On view from July 2nd through August 8th, 2021
Across the globe, artifacts from pre-Internet commerce emerge from building facades in hand-painted figures and fonts of vintage advertisements. Known as ghost signs, these faded wall ads are folk art diamonds in the rough of today’s shiny plastic cities. Their fossilized messages, ranging from obvious to obscure, are the focus of our show’s ghost sign hunters, who’ve captured these fading designs and histories in photographs, videos, and interviews.
A live wall painting event will be held at the Museum by Philadelphia sign painter Gibbs Connors on July 3, 2021. Appearances by different photographers will occur throughout the exhibit as will additional demonstrations by Gibbs. Stay tuned for announcements.
Featuring work by Peter Woodall, Frank Jump, Chris Brace, Len Davidson, MaryAlice Bitts-Jackson, Gibbs Connors, and Jordan Keiffer.