© Gaia Son

circa 1936

© Gaia Son

© Gaia Son

circa 1915

circa 1908

Landeweer Workplace circa 1908

Landeweer Showroom circa 1920

Article detailing automobile accident involving the owner Klaas Landweer and his companion who ran into a tree with their 16 cylinder Cadillac. “In 1932 Klaas Landeweer driving a nearly new V16 Cadillac with a speed of about 120 km / h against a tree. Klaas Landeweer and his partner, the balloonist Delia Mouton, were taking several bone fractures. The Cadillac, which had a value of 20,000 guilders, caught fire and was completely destroyed.” Conam Auto History website [http://www.conam.info/historie/auto-importeurs-in-nederland/auto-importeurs-in-nederland-beschrijvingen2/2254-klaas-landeweer-utrecht]