JPEG from Hi-Res TIFF of Original Chrome Scan for Fading Ads of New York City (History Press, 2011) © Frank H. Jump
One of the original 24 images that exhibited at the N-Y Historical Society, August – November 1998 – Fading Ad Campaign
When I took this shot, I wanted to be above it (the sign) to show its scale. The trucks below give it some sense of proportion. I went to the building across the street which had a doorman. I told him I had an appointment with a woman on the thirteenth floor (lucky 13). The gentleman called up and when asked who made the appointment, I said the woman behind the desk. They let me go up.
When I got out of the elevator, I was greeted by the manager (a woman named Sharon) and the front desk manager (an African-American gay man who had a grin). The front desk manager said, “Am I the woman you made the appointment with?” Hand on hip. I laughed. We all had a good laugh. So Sharon asked, “So what do you really want?”
Well, I said, there is this great sign across the street that you probably see out your window. She gasped and said “It’s about time someone photographed this sign. I love that sign!” The company was some sort of garment import or manufacturing firm so Sharon had an interest in habadasher history. Sharon asked if I had eaten lunch yet. I said no. They ordered pizza and soda. As we waited for the food, Sharon cleared off her window sill and opened it up (I don’t think it had been opened in years). I hung out the window as she held me by my belt.