© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump
George Mason was born in Paris, MO. Aug. 5, 1867 one of eleven children born to Abraham Gartin and Ann E. Sinclair Mason. His father ran the Paris Mercury news paper, where George worked at the printing trade when he was young. It is believed he went to Nebraska and worked as a clerk in a store for a short time. He came to Walsenburg, CO when he was about 21 years old, and served as postmaster from 1889-1893. He moved to Tobasco in 1901 going into the general merchandise business and had two stores, one in Cedar Hill above Ludlow and possibly one at Ludlow. I have a scrip (25 cents) issued by the George Mason Co. Ludlow, CO, April 2nd 1906. At this time his youngest brother Earl had joined him.
In November 1892 at Hastings, CO he married Belle Watchman, who had come from Fall Brook, PA. to be with her sister Kathryn Watchman Setter who suffered from tuberculosis. In 1908 he moved his family to Trinidad, CO and bought into The Trinidad Candy CO., 401 N. Commercial St. (April 3, 1909). On June 29, 1909 the Board of Directors of The Trinidad Candy CO. voted to change the name to the Mason Candy CO., and George Mason was elected President-General Manager. In 1910 George Mason and J. C. Colsen had a building built at 401-415 Market St.. Colsen Fruit and Produce occupied the south half of the building and The Mason Candy CO. the north half.
During World Was I he was the food administrator for Las Animas County. On March 17, 1924 while serving as an alderman (and mayor pro tem) the mayor E.H. Day passed away. On March 24, 1924 George Mason was elected Mayor. The Candy CO. also made ice cream and add’s in 1920 were run in the Chronicle News advertising Mason’s None Nicer ice cream. At some time in the early 20’s the ice cream part was sold to the Trinidad Creamery Co. 229 Elm St. of which George was an officer.
George Mason passe away on Feb 1, 1934. Two of his sons Earl E. and R. N. Mason, and one sister Margaret Mason Nelson also live in Trinidad. R. N. later moved to La Junta, Co. Belle Mason wife of George passed away on May 23. 1942. George and Belle had seven children Kathryn B., Ann E., Abraham G., Edna B., Christine, William W., and George C. – RootsWeb’s World Connect