© Gaia Son

Dating back to 1898, the headquarters of the Strasbourg branch of the Knopf dynasty: the office of the Strasbourg Berninger & Krafft designed for Moritz Knopf’s warehouse Palace. Photo: Municipal Archives Strasbourg
Hertie, Kaufhof, Karstadt, Schocken, Wertheim and: Knopf. In this illustrious line of German, to exclusively Jewish Karstadt department store companies to find the name Knopf may surprise you. But at least until the end of World War II was the Knopf department store chain, founded by three siblings Max Knopf (Karlsruhe), Moritz Knopf (Strasbourg) and Sally Knopf (Freiburg), the three great equals of this industry. Knopf had beside Freiburg not just branch plants in Lörrach, Emmendingen, Offenburg and Schopfheim: A total of more than 50 branches and partner companies in Southern Germany, Switzerland, Alsace and the Saarland, Lorraine and Luxembourg were part of the Knopf empire – and large, magnificent Department stores in major cities such as Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Frankfurt and Strasbourg. – Badische Zeitung