Former brewery is now the Contemporary Art Center in Brussels © Gaia Son
Spread over a century, from 1880 to 1980, the history of Wielemans-Ceuppens…merges with that of the beer industry in Belgium: exponential growth, constant adaptation to modern technology and demand market purchase of competing breweries followed by absorption by a larger, decline and closure. In 1978 the brewery was taken over by Stella Artois. The business was phased out from 1980 and on September 29, 1988 the last Wieleman Beer was brewed. The Centre was opened in 2007 in the old [Deco] building for contemporary art, after restoration and renovation works were started in 2005. – Wikipedia

Prosper Wielemans opened the Café Métropole to sell his beer. Prosper then decided to build a hotel: the Hotel Métropole, designed by Alban Chambon. © Wikipedia Commons