© Howie Schechter
Notes from an Early Assistance Appointment held in 2012 (EA 12-120164) identified the building being constructed in 1919 as a warehouse and/or garage, with a 1961 variance (VZ 38-61) allowing the building to be occupied as a nonconforming printing plant and warehouse. – City of Portland, Oregon – Bureau of Development Services – Land Use Services – April 5, 2013

Blueprints from the proposal to convert the existing nonconforming warehouse structure on the site to four dwelling units. – City of Portland http://www.portlandoregon.gov/bds/article/442832
According to the developer, Dr. Jim:
The Dr. Jim’s Lofts imaginatively adapted a turn-of-the-century Standard Dairy building into four single-family lofts ranging from an airy 2-bedroom to a cavernous 4-bedroom. CHANGING PORTLAND 3000FT AT A TIME.
Jacobs Garage – Dr. Jim’s Lofts – 3450 SE Alder – Portland, OR – Pacific NW Correspondent, Howie Schechter http://t.co/cIhocO64Oc