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September 11th, 2014:

Gaia Son in the Ghardaïa Province- Algeria, March 2007

El Goléa –  oasis town and commune – capital of El Ménia District, in Ghardaïa Province, Algeria. © Gaia Son

This summer I spent a week with my friends Gaia Son (FAB’s Lowlands Correspondent) and her husband Bob Kovel (artiste extraordinaire) in Amersfoort, NL. One night Gaia showed me some of her photographs and I insisted on her curating some virtual exhibitions for the Fading Ad Blog. This first slideshow is of Son’s trip through the Ghardaïa Province in Algeria- located in The M’Zab Valley (a UNESCO World Heritage Site) in the Sahara Desert and ending in Outoul in the south of Algeria.

Gaia Son with her Touareg Berber guides – photo by Louis Cador