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It’s the beginning of a new love in sight…Parallels – Going For The One – Yes 1977
For me, Yes has always been not just a band but a “brand” – my “logo rock” experience. From the start, when I first listened to Close To The Edge in 1972 with the phenomenal album presentation (sonically and visually), I was instantly aware of the sound as a product. Throughout the many incarnations and line-ups – I still find live Yes to be a musically satisfying commodity even sans Anderson. Jon Davison gainly carried the evening and held his own with a heartfelt, accurate and inspired performance with the original band composers and players Steven Howe and Chris Squire – who were brilliant this evening as well. Grumbles from audience members about any of the past line-ups has always been part of the live Yes discourse as there was this evening – but I’ve been on this ride for a long time now and I’m still in. All in all, I walked away content to see the music of Yes continue. Would be interesting to see what a new CD might sound like.