© Ben Hagen
Hi Frank –
I was fortunate enough to accompany you on the faded ad tours you gave for OHNY last fall, and I found them wonderfully educational and fun. I recently came upon an ad that I felt I had to share with you; you may be familiar with it already, but it’s quickly become my favorite in the city. It’s an ad for the original Luna Park – a fantastic ad that’s great for both its own historical quality and for its connection to such an historically resonant NY institution. its on the south-facing side of the building just to the north of 726 Broadway, which happens to be the NYU health center, and from which I was able to spot it. I think its from 1915 or 1916 – 726 Broadway was constructed in 1917, and the opening/closing dates listed for the park would line up with weekend days in those years. I’m enclosing a picture if you’d like to see it…it’s not a great photo, but I only had my iPhone and had to take it through a window.
Thanks again for the inspiring tours!
Ben Hagen
Thanks for this wonderful shot Ben! What a great find!