Office, 5 & 7 John Street, New York. © Vincenzo Aiosa

Card scan provided by Doris Lane for Ancestry dot com
Advertising card of Barrett, Nephews & Co. Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment, 334 Canal Street, New York. Established 1819 as the New York Dyeing & Printing Establishment, the plant of the Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment was located in Castleton, Staten Island, along Broadway, in what is now West Brighton, but in the 19th century was known as Factoryville. In 1850 Col. Nathan Barrett left this company to form Barrett, Nephews & Co. on Cherry Lane (Forest Avenue) near Jewett Avenue where he built a new works on 8 acres. The Cherry Lane location is now the Forest Avenue Shopping Plaza. The Broadway location is now a public park. The second plant, as we see from the card, was also known as the “Old Staten Island Dyeing Establishment.” – Roots Web – Ancestry dot com – Richmond County, NY

© Vincenzo Aiosa