© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump


Antique Art Deco Belladonna Medicine Tin Box FAMILEX Montreal Co – Butter Yellow French Apothecary Pharmacy Decor Collectible – Etsy – CLICK

Courtesy of ANTIQUE QUÉBEC MEDICINE BOTTLES- Inhalant Rhumo-Vap Familex – The Familex Products Co, Montreal. – CLICK

Metal Box – Familex Thymol Throat Pastilles Gorge – Montréal
Walking Baie-Saint-Paul © Andre Vandal
Thank you! This was the company of my grandparents. They were very active all over Québec.
Caroline! Merveilleux! Thank you for visiting. Anything you wish to include on the blog in terms of photographs and documents (i.e. Logos, business adverts etc.) I will gladly post. Again. Thank you for stopping by. It is amazing how much of this project has become a genealogical document. Best, Frank
Je me souviens de Mr St-Onge qui venait à la maison vendre les produits Familex. C’était un bon monsieur qui aimait les enfants. Notre mère en avait confiance et achetait plusieurs produits de lui. Dommage que tout cela ait fermé. Pourquoi cela a-t-il fermé?
I remember Mr St-Onge who came to our home to sell the Familex products. He was a good man who loved children. Our mother had confidence in buying more products from him. Too bad it all is closed. Why has it closed?
Trouver cette item dans le coin de Baie-Saint-Paul — https://www.flickr.com/photos/avdezign/19105055118/
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