- http://t.co/eLIEfpKU http://t.co/00PXTh39 #
- @LemmyCaution1 @PennyRed Thanks for the rec doc! in reply to LemmyCaution1 #
- Arizona sheriff facing long odds after gay outing – Times Union http://t.co/pyHz0tGN via @addthis #
- @nickhirshon Stuck in traffic? #
- @nickhirshon You pay for the tunnel? in reply to nickhirshon #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon You need to get a Vespa! in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- Video: Yes – The Gates of Delirium [part 1] (by RakyMaky) http://t.co/30V5XtNw #
- Video: Yes – The Gates of Delirium [part 1] (by RakyMaky) http://t.co/W0odKlf0 #
- Video: ELP – From the beginning [1972] (by alinitasergiu) http://t.co/rvXazzDW #
- Video: Yes – South Side of the Sky (by RakyMaky) http://t.co/Ihy38oIN #
- Video: Genesis – The Musical Box , Belgian TV – Six Hours Live (by Tommygun1028) http://t.co/mjzGAUWV #
- Former Yes Vocalist Benoit David Releases Statement Regarding His Departure http://t.co/tpApmyvv #
- Video: Genesis – Watcher of the Skies – Live 1973 (by johnnyrosso) He whom life can no longer surprise -… http://t.co/pm3a9fwn #
- @Jim_Edwards Sounds great. Let me know what you need from me. in reply to Jim_Edwards #
- @msnbc @rachelmaddowblog I understand #Santorum gave up #gaysex for Lent. #
- PA Man Claims Decade-Long Romantic Relationship w/ #Santorum http://t.co/akpcmWVf @msnbc @rachelmaddowblog #
- @adriankinloch Just deleted it. Scary sh*t eh? How've you been? in reply to adriankinloch #
- Rick Santorum Is Too Anti-Gay To Be President, Arlen Specter Says http://t.co/aCGxxpDe via @addthis #
- @adriankinloch Going well thanks. Congrats on MCNY. Laid up with broken ankle from Vespa accident on Wednesday
in reply to adriankinloch #
- They are renaming the town of Butler, PA where #santorum spent his formative years to Indoctrination Mills, PA @msnbc @MSNBCrachel #
- They are renaming the town of Butler, PA where #santorum spent his formative years to Indoctrination Mills, PA @bashirlive #
- 62% of those with faith entering college leave without it says #santorum BECAUSE the myths get debunked baby! Faith = SHARED LIE #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon I want me a Joan of Arc pin! I love her! in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @nickhirshon @NYDNcolangelo LOL! You may have to go for me. I'm laid up with a broken left ankle and bust right foot from Vespa accident
in reply to nickhirshon #
- Seven Patron Saints for Healing and Comfort – http://t.co/Yr2WCdLI http://t.co/vUFH54bk via @addthis @nickhirshon St Jude may hold the key. #
- @nickhirshon @NYDNcolangelo Thanks. I have a walking tour on March 18. in reply to nickhirshon #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon Can you get me some popcorn too? in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon Enzo and I already have a Blanche and Baby Jane routine planned with motorized wheelchair. in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @NYDNcolangelo I was the one sitting on a ledge outside of my French class window having a smoke. in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @NYDNcolangelo I was never a cigarette smoker…. in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- Photo: St Jude http://t.co/PhSVnMgk #
- Sexpresso: Wives ban their husbands from visiting Italian cafe where busty barmaid serves up drinks in… http://t.co/q5zIcKZC #
- @DudleySaunders I'll send you a new jockstrap if you send me your old one in a ziplock bag! in reply to DudleySaunders #
- @Nikkowolf Warm and fuzzy in reply to Nikkowolf #
- @nickhirshon OK, I made my comment. Now I'm going straight to hell. #
- @CapehartJ You did a great job standing up to that bully. Christie truly is a mean-spirited, misguided browbeater. in reply to CapehartJ #
- Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart Grills Chris Christie On Gay Marriage (VIDEO) – Three cheers for… http://t.co/kFmidMGA #
- Photo: Floris van Dyck – Still life – Frans Hals Museum http://t.co/VfQfyXVz #
- Rick Santorum – Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia http://t.co/0saIJKVO #
- Video: Rick Santorum’s Self-Hating Gay Friends? (by SamSeder) http://t.co/hCduRp1L #
- @FoundinBrooklyn Not the first time. Wonder how it happens? in reply to FoundinBrooklyn #
- @FoundinBrooklyn People are still buying and selling through my blog oddly enough. in reply to FoundinBrooklyn #
- @CharlesBivona Love your tweets. Why aren't you writing on your blog anymore? It really is a fine collection. FB baby! #
- Video: I’M NOT IN LOVE – 10cc (by Cameronm55) The ultimate denialist love song. http://t.co/Nq47cmP6 #
- @CharlesBivona Video: I’M NOT IN LOVE – 10cc – The ultimate denialist love song. http://t.co/CFvX8kGu #
- Video: steely dan – the royal scam (by wwwdotluke) One of my all-time favs. http://t.co/c5u18GWB #
- Video: Royksopp – Remind Me (by BehindThisMusic) http://t.co/yyGKHbzU #
- @CharlesBivona Best of luck to you. Just published mine: Fading Ads of New York City (The History Press) http://t.co/nnFy5YF8 in reply to CharlesBivona #
- @Shallow_Deeply Great story! Passion is a facile act but compassion is a practised skill. in reply to Shallow_Deeply #
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