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February 1st, 2012:

A true ‘renaissance man’ Jump starts the classroom scene at a Brooklyn public school – NY Daily News

Frank Jump prepares to read and showing slides from his book ‘Faded Ads of New York City’ in an appearance at the Queens Historical Society in Flushing – ROBERT MECEA FOR NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Author, AIDS activist and ‘urban archeologist’ Frank Jump is now also a civil servant, teaching at Brooklyn’s PS 119

by Lisa Colangelo for the NY Daily News

Frank Jump is one of those people who is impossible to describe in a title, a sentence or even a full paragraph.

He is an urban archeologist whose photographs of fading advertisements have brought him acclaim. He’s also an accomplished musician and writer.

Jump is an AIDS activist who has defied all odds since finding out he was HIV-positive more than 25 years ago.

To say he’s a survivor would be an understatement. Jump beat a bout with cancer about 10 years ago.

Add to that list the title of civil servant. Jump is a New York City schoolteacher at the P.S. 119 Amersfort School of Social Awareness in Brooklyn.

Read more: A true ‘renaissance man’ Jump starts the classroom scene at a Brooklyn public school – NY Daily News.