- Tornadoes in the Netherlands http://tumblr.com/xe73yf9dj7 #
- @GCroiset Nog niet naar bed gegaan. in reply to GCroiset #
- The Brass Ring – "The Dis-Advantages Of You" (1967) http://t.co/RJiu15t via @youtube #
- @DylanRatigan I just fell in love with you. #
- @lisagolden @DylanRatigan Americans need to become passionate about what is going on. We are numb. I love the spirit of Wisconsin. They rock in reply to lisagolden #
- @nickhirshon Great! Just getting around to look at it. I've been busy with the manuscript for the Fading Ad Book. You are mentioned! in reply to nickhirshon #
- I just created an account on http://lockerz.com, you should too. #
- @nickhirshon Uneeda Biscuit! in reply to nickhirshon #
- @nickhirshon Trained eyes. in reply to nickhirshon #
- @nickhirshon Toiling over the rewrite and the endnotes and the Chicago Style. Help me Ms. Turabian! in reply to nickhirshon #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon Thanks Lisa! in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @TIME Nah, sounds like they want more nooky. in reply to TIME #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon Too bad there aren't many from Queens in the book, although my favorite painted sign in it is from Woodhaven. in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- @AndyTowle Nice feature. Love the Santorum napkin-marriage metaphor. in reply to AndyTowle #
- RT @tlrd #gayRick Santorum Compares Marriage to a Napkin: VIDEO |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad http://t.co/NYDiVrF #
- Video: Joni Mitchell – My Old Man (by thesixtiesarchive) We don’t need no piece of paper from the City Hall,… http://tumblr.com/xe740huf3c #
- @NYDNcolangelo @nickhirshon http://t.co/rT7Vbxn in reply to NYDNcolangelo #
- Should Bert & Ernie Get Married? Online Petition Thinks So | WebProNews http://t.co/84ocbXZ via @webpronews #
- Video: Joni Mitchell – Shadows and light (live) (by michouberlin) Hostage smiles on Presidents, Freedom… http://tumblr.com/xe740jv9ft #
- @FadingAd Listened to Hissing of Summer Lawns today. Such a great recording through and through. Had a discussion about it with Prince once. in reply to FadingAd #
- Video: Santorini – Vangelis – Irene Papas “Menousis” (by acp1063) http://tumblr.com/xe74156nnf #
- New HIV cases stay steady in US over decade – Boston.com Thank the Reagan Administration for their inaction…. http://tumblr.com/xe741cotpp #
- Video: The Turbulent 60’s (by mtoddne) “People moving out, people moving in. Why, because of the color of… http://tumblr.com/xe741mvb7a #
- @KellyMcGowanNY Wow. That was so instructive of the total disconnect between the haves and the haves not. US workers' revolution is coming. in reply to KellyMcGowanNY #
- “Have Some Respect,” 68-Yr-Old Man Tells BBC Anchor on London Riots – COLORLINES http://tumblr.com/xe741nmpez #
- Video: John Lennon – Working Class Hero http://tumblr.com/xe741oil61 #
- 8 Republican Candidates Trade Attacks in Iowa Debate – NYTimes.com – Slim Pickens for GOP President! http://tumblr.com/xe741p1lq3 #
- Kentile Floors and the Brooklyn Skyline – The Photographs of Erik S. Lieber http://tumblr.com/xe741p34un #
- Video: Billie Holiday – Strange Fruit (by MonsieurBaudelaire) http://tumblr.com/xe741p5j5n #
- Video: Me’Shell NdegéOcello – Leviticus: Faggot (by jfahr) http://tumblr.com/xe741q0n8x #
- Video: joan armatrading – Love and Affection – Woman to Woman (by MarcvBob) http://tumblr.com/xe741q41zx #
- Famine Declared in Somalia as Scale & Scope Reach Catastrophic Levels | Action Against Hunger – Hunger… http://tumblr.com/xe741rb8vv #
- @Jinfinite8
in reply to Jinfinite8 #
- @MenopslStoners @Poet_Carl_Watts @Girlboxingnow @gigoslurp @BDFromHell @gonepausal @JJPool @LeftAction @suzi_riot @vodkamom @yogamint TYMS! in reply to MenopslStoners #
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