Taken after WWII in front of my great grandmother's home and flower & plant store - © Frank H. Jump

Flowers & Plants © Frank H. Jump
After WWII, my great grandmother, Gatske de Jong sold flowers & plants from her domicile storefront a block southeast of Leidseplein in Amsterdam. My mother remembers spending days with her at the flower market learning the “bloemenhandel” or flower trade. I love the surprise when I enlarged this to find my grand mother with her back turned in the window to the left and the little girl hiding in the lower stoop looking around the steps. I don’t know who the customer in front was, but I know from her upturned smile, she was pleased with her purchase.
UPDATE: Just sitting with my mom, she remembers riding on the bicycle flower cart with her grandfather during WWII when they came upon young men from the Dutch Underground being lined up and shot down by the Nazis. The SS soldiers made everyone watch or else they were shot as well. My great grandfather grabbed my mother by the pigtails and held her still so she would see.
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