Jamaica Avenue & New Jersey Avenue near the entrance to the Jackie Robinson © Frank H. Jump

© Frank H. Jump
I’ve shot this sign over the past twelve years and never took a long exposure at night.
Elsewhere on the Internet:
- Forgotten-NY – Preserve (Photos by Gary Fonville) – Jamaica Avenue
Sublime images/
Remind us of when we built/
Rather than just buy/
Signs and vines weather and grow.
Brick, pigment, plant and lime-
Tenuously intertwined through time.
As paint degrades and image fades,
Soft tones evolve
From salmon pinks and jades-
Into sand and grime.
I must say it is a wonderful site. My uncle own this small machine shop in which my father worked. He came over before World War Two and started this business with a person Kelly who I never met. The combination of Kelly and Lober was Kellobe Machine Co. This mostly a prototype shop making new pieces for mass production. This and many a shop like it where a breeding ground for inventions and jobs. We have need to know that working with our hands is good for our minds. Thanks for the photo.
It was Keller. Not Kelly.