Contact: Susan Celia Swan/Kate Fisher (917) 865-6603 press@vday.org
New York, NY – February 4, 2010 – V-Day, the global activist movement to end violence against women and girls, will host its annual NYC benefit on Friday evening, February 5th, featuring a reading of playwright and V-Day Founder Eve Ensler’s newest work, I Am An Emotional Creature: The Secret Life Of Girls Around The World. The evening will be directed by actor/activist and V-Day Board member Rosario Dawson and held at the Urban Zen Center at Stephan Weiss Studio.
The reading will be performed by teen girls including Samantha Mozes and girls from V-Girls pilot sites in New York City – the Harvey Milk High School at the Hetrick Martin Institute, the Young Women’s Leadership School, and the Lower East Side Girls Club. Hosts include V-Day, Jennifer and Peter Buffett, Eve Ensler, Cynthia Nixon, Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon, David Stone and V-Board members Rosario Dawson, Beth Dozoretz, Donna Karan, Katherine McFate, Pat Mitchell, Cari Ross, Susan Celia Swan and Kerry Washington.
I Am An Emotional Creature: The Secret Life Of Girls Around The World is made up of original monologues about and for girls from around the world and aims to inspire girls to take agency over their minds, bodies, hearts and curiosities. The benefit coincides with the launch of V-Day’s corresponding pilot program, V-Girls, engaging young women in our “empowerment philanthropy” model, igniting their activism and providing them with a platform to amplify their voices.
Tickets from $100 – $5000 are on sale now at http://www.vday.org/nycevent . Tickets from $1000 – $5000 will include an intimate cocktail reception immediately after the reading.
The evening is made possible with the generous support of Bloomberg and Urban Zen. Proceeds will benefit V-Day’s work with women and girls worldwide.
* pending scheduling
About V-Day – V-Day is a global activist movement shattering taboos, raising millions and transforming communities to end violence against women and girls. Annually, activists stage thousands of benefit productions of Founder/playwright Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues and other works. Working at the intersection of art, social action and politics, V-Day empowers grassroots activists to become leaders, turning pain to power. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $70 million, crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns, launched the Karama program in the Middle East, reopened shelters, and funded over 11,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic Of Congo, Egypt, Haiti, Iraq, Kenya, Pakistan and South Dakota. V-Day was named one of Worth magazine’s “100 Best Charities” in 2001 and Marie Claire’s “Top Ten Charities” in 2006. The ‘V’ in V-Day stands for Victory, Valentine and Vagina. http://www.vday.org

Rosario Dawson & Eve Ensler © Frank H. Jump