Incorporated on April 6, 1938 as Lombardy Dresses, the company became known as Perette Dresses on January 18, 1950, and as Suzy Perette from January 31, 1958 to April 14, 1960. This sign was contracted to the A. H. Villepigue Sign Company. In an interview with the NYT, the newpaper reported:
A. H. Villepigue, who has been in the building‐sign business for more than 40 years and keeps an eye peeled for likely locations, said the other day that aside from Bloomingdale’s and the American he didn’t remember the companies.
“I started in 1932 and I know that none of those advertisers was active then,” he said.
His main, problem these days, Mr. Villepigue said, is finding suitable wall space for signs rather than renting it to advertisers.
“Every time a new office building or apartment goes up it knocks out a couple of more locations,” he said.
Villepigue was sold in 1997 to Outdoor Systems.
Originally posted on the Fading Ad Campaign website in 1999.

Reminds me of this one from London, UK, which will soon be featured in the ghostsigns archive.
Brilliant! Love the freshness of the ad.