Today I received a comment from an old friend of my uncle’s. Rudy Leine wrote me this message about my uncle:
Frans and I had been very good friends. We had the nicknames Ghandy and Goof when we were about 16 to 18 years old. I live in Brazil for many and many years. These days I was remembering him and started an Internet search and found this page. Frans – I will meet you in the future, thanks that you have been my friend.
This led me to do another search myself of my maternal grandfather’s name (Frans Broekveldt) and I discovered that a Dutch museum in Amsterdam is using my great grandfather’s and grandmother’s marriage license as an example of turn-of-the-century marriage documents.
The exhibition is called Bronnen uit Amsterdam (Sources from Amsterdam). Below are the accompanying materials from the website.

© Amsterdams Historic Museum

© Amsterdams Historic Museum

© Amsterdams Historic Museum

© Amsterdams Historic Museum

© Amsterdams Historic Museum

Gatze de Jong – Broekveldt – de Wit – Passport – Nederland

Johanna Fokkens-Broekveldt (oma-grandmother), Harold Jump, Willy Broekveldt-Jump, Frans Broekveldt II (opa-grandfather), Gatske de Jong – de Wit

Frans Broekveldt II with Sabra the Doberman

My mother Willy and my uncle Frans in an Amsterdam pub (kroeg).

Frans Broekveldt II & Dickey Broekveldt-Rabe

Frans Broekveldt III ( Frans Ludwig Broekveldt’s grandson) at work in Amsterdam in the late 1950s

Frans Broekveldt III – Death Notice

Frans Broekveldt – Death Notice

Frans Broekveldt III ( Frans Ludwig’s grandson) at work in Amsterdam in the late 1950s

Frans Broekveldt III
Other genealogical findings of our family:
Generatie III
4 Johannes de Wit, geboren op 31-10-1858 om 10.00 uur te Amsterdam. Geboren in de Goudsbloemstraat, buurt GG, Nr. 497. Getuigen: Willem Ruijs, 77 jaar, won. Boomstraat 534 en Hermanus Ruijs, schuitenvoerder, 33 jaar, won. Goudsbloemstraat Nr. 498.
Werkman, pakhuisknecht, overleden op 17-11-1930 te Amsterdam op 72-jarige leeftijd, gehuwd op 20-jarige leeftijd op 23-07-1879 te Amsterdam met de 19-jarige
5 Grietje Leek, geboren op 28-06-1860 te Amsterdam. Dochter van Arie Leek, ovld. < 23-07-1879 en Susanna de Man
(gezindte: RK), overleden op 06-11-1935 te Amsterdam op 75-jarige leeftijd. Aanwezig waren de ouders van de bruidegom, Johannes de Wit, werkman en Maria Brugman, won. alhier en de moeder van de bruid Susanna de Man, won. alhier. De vader van de bruid, Arie Leek was overleden.
In tegenwoordigheid van de volgende getuigen: Johannes Antonie Hermanus de Wit, broeder des echtgenoots, werkman, 35 jaar: Jan Gerrit de Wit, oom des echtgenoots, werkman, 60 jaar; Pieter Willem Goedertier, werkman, 30 jaar en Theodorus Thomas Beelen, meubelenmaker, 42 jaar, wonende allen alhier.
Uit dit huwelijk:
Google translation:
Generation III
4 Johannes 4 John de Wit , geboren op 31-10-1858 om 10.00 uur te Amsterdam. Geboren in de Goudsbloemstraat, buurt GG, Nr. de Wit, born on 31-10-1858 at 10.00 in Amsterdam. Born in Goudsbloemdwarsstraat Street near GM, Nr. 497. 497. Getuigen: Willem Ruijs, 77 jaar, won. Witnesses: William Ruijssenaars, 77 years, won. Boomstraat 534 en Hermanus Ruijs, schuitenvoerder, 33 jaar, won. Boomstraat 534 and Hermanus Ruijssenaars, barge carrier, 33 years, won. Goudsbloemstraat Nr. Goudsbloemdwarsstraat Street Journal. 498. 498.
Werkman, pakhuisknecht, overleden op 17-11-1930 te Amsterdam op 72-jarige leeftijd, gehuwd op 20-jarige leeftijd op 23-07-1879 te Amsterdam met de 19-jarige Werkman, warehouseman, deceased on 17-11-1930 in Amsterdam at the age of 72, married at the age of 20 on 23-07-1879 in Amsterdam to the 19-year-old
5 Grietje 5 Grietje Leek , geboren op 28-06-1860 te Amsterdam. Dochter van Arie Leek, ovld. Leek, born on 28-06-1860 in Amsterdam. Daughter of Arie Leek, ovld. < 23-07-1879 en Susanna de Man <23-07-1879 Susanna and the Man
(gezindte: RK), overleden op 06-11-1935 te Amsterdam op 75-jarige leeftijd. Aanwezig waren de ouders van de bruidegom, Johannes de Wit, werkman en Maria Brugman, won. (religion: RK), deceased on 06-11-1935 in Amsterdam at the age of 75. Present were the parents of the bridegroom, John de Wit, laborer and Maria Brugman, won. alhier en de moeder van de bruid Susanna de Man, won. here and the mother of the bride Susanna de Man, won. alhier. here. De vader van de bruid, Arie Leek was overleden. The father of the bride, Arie Leek was deceased.
In tegenwoordigheid van de volgende getuigen: Johannes Antonie Hermanus de Wit, broeder des echtgenoots, werkman, 35 jaar: Jan Gerrit de Wit, oom des echtgenoots, werkman, 60 jaar; Pieter Willem Goedertier, werkman, 30 jaar en Theodorus Thomas Beelen, meubelenmaker, 42 jaar, wonende allen alhier. In the presence of the following witnesses: Johannes Hermanus Antonie de Wit, brother of spouse, worker, 35 years: Jan Gerrit de Wit, uncle of spouse, worker, 60 years Pieter Willem Goedertier, laborer, 30 years and Theodorus Thomas Beelen, furniture maker , 42 years, all residing here.
Uit dit huwelijk: From this marriage:
1. 1. Maria Susanna , geboren op 08-12-1879 te Amsterdam. Maria Susanna, born on 08-12-1879 in Amsterdam.
2. 2. Johannes , geboren op 03-02-1882 om 23.30 uur te Amsterdam. Als getuigen waren aanwezig: Antonie de Wit, metselaar, 20 jaar, gehuwd, wonende Rozenstraat 39 en Jacobus Schalken, zeeman, 56 jaar, wonende Bloemstraat 196. John, born on 03-02-1882 at 23.30 hours in Amsterdam. If witnesses were present Antonie de Wit, bricklayer, 20 years, married, residing Rozenstraat 39 and Jacobus Schalken, seaman, 56 years, residing Bloemstraat 196.
Diamantbewerker, gehuwd op 30-jarige leeftijd op 17-04-1912 te Amsterdam met Diamond cutter married at the age of 30 on 17-04-1912 in Amsterdam to Gatske Gatske de Jong , 30 jaar oud, geboren op 21-02-1882 te Leeuwarden. Gatske de Jong was widowed by Frans Ludwig Broekveldt. de Jong, 30 years old, born on 21-02-1882 in Leeuwarden. Gatske Young was the widow of Frans Ludwig Broekveldt.
De ouders van de bruidegom, Johannes de Wit en Grietje Leek , en de ouders van de bruid, Pieter de Jong en Simkje Oosterhof waren aanwezig. The parents of the bridegroom, John de Wit and Gretel Leek, and the parents of the bride, Pieter de Jong and Simkje Oosterhof were present. Getuigen: Joannes Winters, 50 jaar; Aldert Meilis, 37 jaar; Willem Frederik Snijders, 51 jaar en Cornelis Hermanus Bouer, 38 jaar, allen werkman van beroep en wonende alhier. Witnesses: John Winters, 50 years; Aldert Meilis, 37 years; Frederik Willem Snijders, 51 years and Cornelis Hermanus Bouer, 38 years, all working professional and living here.
Uit het eerste huwelijk van Gatske de Jong werd op 21-09-1905 een zoon Frans Ludwig Broekveldt geboren. From the first marriage of Gatske de Jong was a son 21-09-1905 Frans Ludwig Broekveldt born. Deze trouwde op 26-10-1933 met Johanna Maria Fokkens. They married on 26-10-1933 with Maria Johanna Fokkens. Uit dit huwelijk: Willy Broekveldt, geb. From this marriage: Willy Broekveldt, born. 02-08-1936. 02-08-1936.
And Frans Broekveldt – October 2, 1940 – February 9, 2009 – who would have been thrilled to have known his grandparent’s marriage license was being used as a sample document for the Amsterdams Historical Museum.
i enjoy it very much ………
thx Susan
Niets te danken! Leuk dat je het gezien heb. Dikke kus, Frank
Dear Broekveldt family,
Working on a family tree of the Liekelema family from Fryslân I now have arrived
at the Broekveldt family. Eelkje Lykeles (Liekelema) married Tjeerd Jochums Algera
in 1793. Their son Jochem Tjeerds Algera married Antje Douwma in 1814.
The eldest daughter of Jochum/Antje named Eelkje Algra married Paulus Sanders Oosterhof in 1836 and Simkje Oosterhof, the 7th child of Paulus/Eelkje married
Pieter Jurjens de Jong in 1871. two daughters of Pieter/Simkje married with two
Broekveldt brothers: Aafke de Jong married Johannes Jacobus Broekveldt in 1899 and
Gatske de Jong married Frans Ludwig Broekveldt in 1904. After divorce Gatske married a second time with Johannes de Wit.
The article with photographs of the broekveldt family is wonderful and I have made a print of it. I you do require more information about forementioned families, please
do not hesitate to write me a an E-mail.
With friendly greetings and best regards,
Jelle Reitsma
St Nicolaasga
Wow! Dank je wel aan ons te kontakten. Gatske did not divorce. She was widowed by Frans Broekveldt who died young I believe from tuberculosis. Gatske died of TB as well. Please let me know what else you have found. How are you related to us? Through the brother of Frans Ludwig?
Beste, Frank
Dear frank,
Indeed I made a mistake regarding the divorce, mixed up things with his elder brother.
Gatske, when she married for the 2nd time, was the widow of Frans Broekveldt.
Johannes Broekveldt was married to Aafke de Jong the elder sister of Gatske
de Jong en they separated in 1935. Please accept my apology for this painfull
misunderstanding, was to excited when I found your website.
As mentioned before you are a descendant of Eelkje Lykeles while I am a descendant of Louwe Lykeles the elder brother of Eelkje.
Our common ancestors are Lykele Louwrens and Tjeerdje (Tjetje) Eelkes.
Lykele Louwrens,
* about 1741
# 31-12-1741 Oudwoude, Westwrgeest (# = date/place baptize)
+ 28-03-1827 Smallingerland, 87 yrs married
% Tjeerdje (Tjetje) Eelkes, 09-06-1765 Kollum (% = married to ect.)
* about 1742
# ====
+ 29-04-1830 Smallingerland, 88 yrs widow
d.o. Eelke Beints & Trijntje Edzes (d.o. = daughter of)
Lykele Louwrens is the son of:
Louw Alberts & Eelkjen Liekeles and they married about 1739, unfortunately
no excact date found yet.
Dates used as follows: Date/Month/Year
In 1812 when everybody had to choose a last name, Lykele Louws choose
as family name: Liekelema.
Above is the start of my Liekelema family tree, still working on it because it
is far from complete as yet
Best regards and friendly greetings ,
Jelle Reitsma,
Sint Nicolaasga
Hey Cousin- Thanks for the family lineage information. My mother and I are coming to NL for Paas. Mischien kunnen wij en koffietje hebben? Zal erg leuk naar Friesland weer reizen! Aller beste. Frank
Dear frank,
You and your mother are more then welcome to visit us when you will be in Holland.
Please let us know due course the dates of your visit. Will supply you with my address timely. Meantime I am going to prepare a copy for you with the relevant family tree information which I have available at that moment. As I have an old fashioned computer with a shortage of memory I’m not yet able to send it to you by E-mail, but coming Christmas I’ll have a new one with a lot more memory capacity which gives me the opportunity to work out the family tree together with photographs ect.
Enjoy your day and friendly greetings from
a very far relative,
Jelle Reitsma,
Sint Nicolaaga
Hello cousin Frank,
Herewith a brief family tree of Gatske de Jong:
Louwrens Alberts,
* abt 1700
+ abt 1746
% Eelkjen Liekeles, before 1739
* abt 1710
+ ????
From this marriage most probably 4 children, their 2nd child:
Lykele Louwrens,
* about 1741 Oudwoude Westergeest
+ 1827 Oudega Smallingerland
% Tjeerdje (Tjetje) Eelkes, 1765 Kollum
* abt 1742
+ 1830 Oudega Smallingerland
d.o. Eelke Beints & Trijntje Edzes
From this marriage 9 children, their 2nd child:
Eelkje Lykeles,
* 1767
+ 1850 Huizum
% Tjeerd Jochums (Algera/Algra), 1793 Goutum
* abt 1761 Wirdum
+ 1848 Garijp
s.o. Jochum ???? & Antje ????
From this marriage 2 children, their eldest child:
Jochum Tjeerds (Algera/Algra)
* 1793 Goutum
+ 1864 Lekkum
% Antje Douwma, 1814 Mairie Huizum (= Leeuwarderadeel)
* abt 1791 Huizum
+ 1874 Lekkum
d.o. Wopke Douwes & Tyttje Tjeerds
From this marriage 6 children, thier eldest child:
Eelkje Algra,
* 1815 Huizum
+ 1894 Stiens
% Paulus Sanders Oosterhof, 1836 Leeuwarderadeel
* 1813 Cornjum
+ 1868 Cornjum
s.o. Sander Ruurds Oosterhof & Gaatske Paulus Mellema
From this marriage 11 children, their 7th child:
Simkje Oosterhof,
* 1852 Cornjum
+ ????
% Pieter Jurjens de Jong, 1871 Leeuwarderadeel
* 1848 Vrouwenparochie
+ ????
s.o. Jurjen Sijbes de Jong & IJbeltje Tabes Gorter
from this marriage 5 children, their 5th child:
Gatske de Jong,
* 1882 Leeuwarden
+ ????
1% Frans Ludwig Broekveldt, 1904 Amsterdam
* 1880 Rotterdam
+ ????
s.o. Simon Broekvelst & Catharina Jacoba Schröder
2% Johannes de Wit, 1912 Amsterdam
* 1882 Amsterdam
+ ????
s.o. Johannes de Wit & Grietje Leek
Next message some information about a son of Johannes Jacobus Broekveldt & Aafke Jong who lived in the village of Vries in the province Drente.
Have a nice weekend and with friendly greetings from
Jelle Reitsma
St Nyk
[…] Frans Ludwig Broekveldt & Gatske de Jong – Marriage License – April 27, 1904 – Amsterdam H… […]
Dear Frank,
Many many years I have been the closest friend of Fransie Broekveldt (with dt).
He always spoke of you.
I am pleased you made this website about him.
Send my regards to your mother Willy from an oldtimer.
Peter Nanne Streekstra
Peter- My mother Willy and I are in Amsterdam for a week. Drop me a line if you want to meet for a drink. Aller beste, Frank
Hoi Peter – Ik kan je nog herinneren. Blond haar en smal gezicht. Heel mooi blauwe ogen.
En ja, moet je niet de ‘dt’ vergeten! Erg belangrijk hoor. Me moeder zijn nu op de telefoon met me samen deze comment maakte. Spijt me voor me vreselijk Nederlands te schrijven. Me eerste taal niet. Willy zegt ook dat het brengt terug gooien oude herinneringen. Hoe gaat het met jou. Waar woon je? Ik ga vaak naar Amersfoort met me werk. Misschien ga ik deze zomer voor en trouwerij van een collega die nu woont in Limburg (Maastricht). Hele mooien stad. Schrijf gauw terug. Aller beste, Frank