January 27th 2009 © Matteo Brogi

February 3rd 2009 © Matteo Brogi

February 3rd 2009 © Matteo Brogi
Matteo Brogi – Photojournalist
Comments taken from another posting about this one to lawman2:
They were painting the sign that you see in the later shots. I have this wall several times on the blog. Marc Jacobs seems to have the exclusive on this wall. Brooklyn has Monk parrots too! Other Marc Jacobs & Barney’s signs. This sign was just across the street from this sign (Jefferson Theatre) and taken from the roof of the building with the Barney’s signs.
Great minds must think or picture alike, Frank.
I don’t know if you ever saw this site
At this location on Greenwich Street, there stood the diner that inspired Hopper’s Nighthawks. I have walked by the tiles so many times and did not realize that it has a rich history beyond that of 9/11.
There’s a neat picture of this area today with Hoppers diner super imposed over it.
Thought you might enjoy looking at it.
I would love to see a picture of the real diner.
Laura S.
Wow Laura- How contemporaneous!