© L. Craig Schoonmaker (Newark USA)
L. Craig Schoonmaker’s Newark USA is ” a fotojournal about living in Newark USA, New Jersey’s largest and most cultured city, by the author of the foto-essay website RESURGENCE CITY: Newark USA.” Schoonmaker was kind enough to give me a spell-check on “haberdashery” and feature our blog on his visually engaging city-centered site. Above is a great collection of wall ads on Springfield & 12th. Schoonmaker’s posting also provides an historical context for the misspelled Burnett Street sign I posted demarcating the location of the S&S Packing Co & Eastern Meats wall signs.

Hahne & Company © L. Craig Schoonmaker
Above is a great night shot of Hahne & Company which I also featured in a previous post last December. After reading Schoonmaker’s descriptive historical narrative, I realized he likes alternative spellings (i.e. graffics and photograff). Maybe I should have stuck with the “habadashery” spelling in my categories after all?
would love to get in touch with L GRAIG SCHOONMAKER I live in VancouverB.C. Canada Iused to live in Montreal &Toronto Can.