Art & Photography Opening @ P.S. 119 Amersfort School
vintage mural ads & other signage by Frank H. Jump & friends
Posted in: Amersfort, Art, Brooklyn, Photography.
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Here is one reaction from a girl from Amersfoort, you can find this town in Holland.
Close by Amsterdam.
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Mail me back.
greetzz Miranda
Dag Miranda! Dank je wel voor jou reaktie. Amersfoort is zeker vlak bij Amsterdam. In Nederland, alles is vlak bij!
Are you participating in the 750 year anniversary? Can you send us a picture of your favorite sign in Amersfoort? Tot ziens.
hi mr.jump i just wanna know ur feelings about this years 5th grader leaving the school and about being gay. im sorry if patrcia had wondered up im ur personal life but i just and onley wanna know ur felling about us leaving the scholl and ur fellings about being gay . thank u and have a great summer.
Dear Tremaine- Of course I will miss all of you. I am sure you will keep in touch. PS119 is a very special school and your experiences there will stay with you for life. I don’t mind honest questions about my personal life. I give honest answers. I don’t have secrets because I am proud of who I am. Besides, my website provides most of the answers. Growing up gay is difficult because of discrimination. Discrimination and prejudice is a reality and one must rise above it and live their life with pride. No one chooses how they were born. You are born black or gay or white or short or sometimes a combination of different characteristics. There will always be people who will hate you for being different. The challenge is to not hate in return. I devote my life to fight ignorance and promote peace. Hopefully people will learn to accept one another. Thank you for writing me. Enjoy the summer. Best, Mr. Jump.
Hi. Mr. Jump I never knowed you had a website like this.Im so happy that I going to have a next school in my cild hood.
hi mr Jump I want to know which year did you start at ps119.
Hey Terrieck! Thanks for visiting my site. I started working at PS 119 in September 2004. Wishing you the best in Junior High! Always yours, Mr. Jump.
What was you best year
I think last year was my best year since we got all of those laptops into the school and we became a Magnet School. It gets better every year!
have you work in another schools
Yes I have worked in other schools. I worked at a middle school in Cypress Hills Brooklyn before this and I started teaching movement at PS 198 on Farragut, where I met Ms. Fernandez.
when did you get maried?
Valentine’s Day 2004 in Toronto
oh I just saw your huband and its it ture that gay?
OH sorry if I took a leap in your life
No problem
Are you happy that you going back to school.
Sure! Going back to a routine is always good. Are you excited about starting school?
Well feel free to come and visit anytime. You are always welcomed.