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Brickbat on Anti-Gay Memphis Educator Likened To Anita Bryant


Memphis defends her violation of: students’ constitutional rights to equal protection, freedom of expression and association, due process and privacy.- Brickbat as reprinted from Towleroad

Hence the downlow!

Other examples of bigoted educators in the public sector.

Bigoted Music Teacher

Catraini- I tolerate religious hypocrisy all the time. PS: You are not my friend. Peace right back at you.

Other postings on Bryant


  1. Vincenzo says:

    Dear Frank
    Whenever I hear of people like Ms Beasley I am reminded that bigotry and ignorance is still rampant. I am still astonished that people who have been oppressed historically can be so bigoted and ignorant.

  2. fadingad says:

    When ignorance is used to describe educated people (I’m assuming this HS Principal received an education that included the ethics of a pedagogical administrator) then we are letting them off the hook. This woman is a bigot. What is outrageous is there is no one in her community that will stand up to the Memphis bureaucracy and hold them accountable.