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Choke Cherries – Avenue J (Amersfort) Park, Flatbush- Brooklyn

Choke Berries - Avenue J Park, Flatbush - Brooklyn
© Frank H. Jump

At least I think they’re choke cherries.

Choke Cherries - Avenue J Park
This image was taken by one of my elementary school students from the Photoclub.


  1. xrisfg says:

    Possibly Hawthornes?

  2. […] Last week, Koen Steenbergen & Sabine van Erkel came to visit our school and kicked off a cookie contest that was happening concurrently in the Netherlands. We talked about our historical connection with the Netherlands here in New York and Brooklyn and our future connection with the two Amersforts. With community support and careful planning, we could see a carnival-style celebration of the Hudson & Amersfoort Anniversaries right here in Avenue J’s Amersfort Park. […]

  3. Dennis Watters says:

    these are not choke cherrys,they look like crab apples to me but I might be wrong hard to tell from your picture but I can tell that they are not choke cherrys because choke cherrys dont have that thing on the bottom like that

  4. fadingad says:

    The macro lens makes them look much bigger than they are. They aren’t quite 1 cm in diameter.

  5. Glen says:

    Actually, I think those are Choke Berries, not Choke Cherries. I have a Ckoke Cherry tree in my yard, the berries are much more translucent

  6. V. H. DeWitt says:

    I’m quite sure the picture is of Hawthorns. They do resemble tiny apples. Each Haw (the fruit of the hawthorn), contains from one to five seeds. They are appropiately named, because the shrubs have large thorns!